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Black Cat Appreciation Day 2015

Friendly's picture
Submitted by Friendly on Mon, 2015-08-17 03:23

Monday 17th August is Black Cat Appreciation Day.

Based on their profile pictures, we salute these black cats:

I can't tell if Breezy Belle is black or tortie from her profile pic.

Black-and-white cats on the site include:

If I have missed anyone, let me know in the comments.


Parker Prettykoshka's picture

There was a stillborn black kitten in my litter... about a week later. Frown And lots of black kitties in the other litters who lived. Here's my big sister Blackie with a bunch of us kittens in the carrier (I think that's me back in the corner):

Butler Prettycat's picture

We had a lot of black cats with us. Here I am with our niece Little Blackie, who was our age.


Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed