I am waiting for my afternoon treat. Mommy says she is not sure if I was leaning or if she tilted her camera.

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I am waiting for my afternoon treat. Mommy says she is not sure if I was leaning or if she tilted her camera.
Did you get your treat?
If you did, did you eat your treat, or just walk away?
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Got my treat ok.
I got some Temptation Blissful Catnip treats. I usually get 5 or 6 of these crunchy treats in the afternoon. Yum, yum. I could eat more but mommy says that would ruin my dinner.
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Did someone say treats????
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Kitty treats
Treat time is one of my favorite times in the afternoons. Next is cuddle & petting time and close behind that is nap time.
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I'm with ya Breezy
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