Hi there, everyfur! Since I crossed to the Rainbow Bridge on 29 April 2014, my pawrents have adopted another kitty. I picked him out for them and then told him to make himself loving to them. As soon as they got in the room at the shelter, he went over and started climbing Daddy's pants leg. Then he got down and put his front paws on the cat carrier they had brought. They looked at each other and said, "That's our new cat".
His name is Mason Dixon. He's two years old, is an orange neutered male, and has the most loving personality of any cat I've ever met. I've mentored him in the ways of the household and he is a great kitty. He weighs about 13 pounds and has yellow eyes.

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Yellow eyes seem to run in our family. My little sister Dark Lady had really nice dold eyes. (This was after he had filled up the memory acard on his phone camera.) This is a picture of my mother Smudge...
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Golden eyes
Thank you for your comments. You sure do look like you Mother! Very nice! I hope you and your family have a blessed day.
Purrs & gentle headbumps,
Angel Malachi
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it's nice your humans brought
it's nice your humans brought a new kitty in. Grandma got me for mom after Brofur Anubis crossed the bridge because mom was very sad. The humans have to keep loving us fur babies because there are sooo very many homeless fur babies out there!! I hope you like your new home!! lubs you@@ Kitty Kisses form Seshat
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Dear Sheshat,
Yes, I have great pawrents. They waited six months before they adopted again. But I helped them choose and I guided Mason Dixon to my pawrents. I enjoy being at the Rainbow Bridge and also being back at home in Phoenix with my wife and living close to my brofur. My pawrents and Mason Dixon get along very well and love each other much. Thanks for your letter. Wishes for you and your family to have a very blessed evening.
Purrs & kitty kisses,
Angel Malachi
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mom lost both my Brofur's
mom lost both my Brofur's last Year. Brofur Ramses crossed in February and Brofur Anubis crossed in December. Mom was very upset. she thought she would wait to, but when Brofur Anubis crossed very suddenly mom was heartbroken and Grandma showed up with me and mom couldn't say no. I was abandoned in a snow drift during a snow storm with my Brofur and Sisfur. we where lucky to survive!! I'm glad mom found me!! mom saw me at the vet the day she found out Brofur Anubis had cancer, I was there for my first check up. isn't that funny? mom thinks it was fate. five days later Brofur Anubis crossed the bridge, Yep, mom says it was fate. Kitty Kisses from Seshat
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Losing kitties, gaining kitties
Dear Seshat,
I'm so sorry your Mom lost both your brofurs last year. May Angel Ramses and Angel Anubis have eternal peace. It's hard to believe that anyone would abandon a kitty in a snowdrift! Those people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I'm glad your Mom found you, too! I think it was fate, too. You're only 9 months old?! You sound very knowing for your age. I am happy we are furiends!
Purrs & kitty kisses,
Angel Malachi
P.S. -- I used to sit in the bathroom sink myself. I really enjoyed it!
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He usually feeds me on the edge of the bathroom sink, so it's not such an interesting place to sit. The first week I was in the apartment, he had me closed in the bathroom the whole time, so he needed a place to feeed me.
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Hi Mason Dixon. Nice to meet you.
I'm so glad you helped guide Mason Dixon to your pawrents Angel Malachi. I know you will continue to guide them and Mason Dixon and that you will always watch over them. They are so lucky to have you so close and feel your love and presence. I can see that Mason Dixon is a very sweet, loving kitty and he is lucky to have you as his mentor and guide. May God Bless you all and may your love for one another unite you forever. Sending you and your family my love and purrs. Your forever friend, Breezy Belle
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About Mason Dixon
Dear Breezy Belle,
Yes, I whispered in Mason Dixon's ear, "Go show them your stuff"! And he did just that. He won their hearts. I will always be here to guide, mentor and protect, both Mason Dixon and my pawrents. Thank you for saying Mason Dixon is sweet and loving because he is all that. He is so loving to my pawrents that they have nicknamed him Loverdoodle! May God richly bless you and your family and you have a very blessed night and sweet dreams.
Purrs & kitty kisses,

Angel Malachi
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Mason Dixon
What a handsome kitty, that was so nice of you to guide him to your humans
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My Pawrents
Yes, Angel Malachi guided me to my new pawrents, his pawrents.
Paws & hugs,
Mason Dixon
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Oh, you got fed on the edge of the bathroom sink. I see. I just always had pottery bowls. I hope you're doing well this Friday and have a blessed day.
Purrs & gentle headbumps,
Angel Malachi
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Pottery Bowls?
That is too cool
We have a nice bowl that says "I love my cat." I guess meowmy likes us 
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I do get my food in a bowl, it's just on the edge of the sink rather than on the floor.
I also have one that says MEOW inside 
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What a cute bowl
We get fed on the floor due to by brofur Pablo, but I usually get a bowl to myself on the table
Well we each get our own bowl, I just like to eat alone hehe
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Plain Pottery Bowls
They are cream coloured with a double green stripe around the top of it. Real nice.
Purrs & gentle headbumps,
Angel Malachi
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