Forums: General discussionHanging out in the sun and being cute for mom Image: Log into vote 3 Pinterest Share on Facebook Tweet Widget Log in to post comments sunny spot you've got a suynny window spot! I don'T because of the way this apartment is built. I have a few windowns on the sunny side, and that's where he built my tower, but the sun doesn't reach there sxcept maybe in winter or ear-ly in the morning. Image: Log into vote 2 Log in to post comments Sun Our kitchen window gets morning sun and I love it Log into vote 1 Log in to post comments
sunny spot you've got a suynny window spot! I don'T because of the way this apartment is built. I have a few windowns on the sunny side, and that's where he built my tower, but the sun doesn't reach there sxcept maybe in winter or ear-ly in the morning. Image: Log into vote 2 Log in to post comments
sunny spot
you've got a suynny window spot! I don'T because of the way this apartment is built. I have a few windowns on the sunny side, and that's where he built my tower, but the sun doesn't reach there sxcept maybe in winter or ear-ly in the morning.
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Our kitchen window gets morning sun and I love it![Big Smile](
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